Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Looking Past Rotten and Seeing Potential


I See Potential!!!
Now that is an opener for you…I have to say that I absolutely love rotten fruit…well, not completely over the top rotten…but most definitely very over-ripe, brown tinged, fragrant sitting on my counter fruit.  What do I see???  I see potential…I see that with some blending and mixing that I can create wonderful healthy foods.  I look past the rotten and into the beautiful creation of OMG…this is over the top fabulous (one of my fav words) and so good for me.  YES…I even maintain a positive attitude about rotten fruit…do I toss it…NO WAY…it has potential…potential to become something better than before. This can apply to who I am as a person as well…when I was injured…did I toss in the towel…throw myself away….give-up…NO, NO, and again…NO. I saw potential with a little mixing and blending of different therapies and exercise, I DID become better than I was.  So, YES…do I go over the top about such things as rotten, over-ripe fruit…well...YES…that is ME.  I savor every small thing in life because they are truly the big things…and tonight…the rotten overripe fruit is the BIG thing that I am going to create something very special with. 

What Do You See?
 I also think…why throw away a perfect piece of rotten fruit…OH MY…what a waste of $$$$...and I am not about doing that.  In fact, as I have shared in the past, I am all about saving every penny I can, clipping that coupon, and the deals…RIGHT…who does not want a DEAL.  OK…off that save money by saving the rotten fruit soap box.  Getting back to what I am doing with two rotten bananas and pears…creating another version of my Stay Healthy Omega Muffin.  If you have been following me, you know my passion for creative Stay Healthy cooking and baking.  It is truly therapy for me.  After a long work day, I find it so much fun to make a B-line to the kitchen and let the juices flow…no pun intended…but in a way…YES.  Having a passion in life is so important with the balance of who I am….I truly enjoy working in my passion which to me is not really working.  My sharing of Stay Healthy recipes is also a way I can reach out and motivate people to please get healthy and Stay Healthy with the one life that we all have.  So…if that means saving rotten fruit and sharing what can be done to create healthy snacks…I will click on that video to do just that…share my passion for cooking, share the enjoyment of healthy baking, and showing the outcome of living this way….PRICELESS.  I hope that this Blog comes to mind the next time you have rotten overripe fruit on your counter…and can look past the blemishes and into the potential that something better can happen with a little blending and mixing.

Motivation of the Day: You Do Not Have to Get an “A” Everyday ~ a Great Client Share

Workout of the Day:
Cardio Time: 45 Minutes ARC Trainer
Ended with Ball Work for my Core/Stretch

Stay Healthy Omega Muffins
Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup
Stay Healthy Banana Omega Muffin
Post Workout Shake & ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds
Egg Whites, palm of raw nuts, watermelon slice
Grilled Salmon
Stay Healthy Banana Pear Omega Muffin x 2 ~ fresh baked from the oven

Here to Motivate YOU!!!!

Stay Healthy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Wear a String Everyday


I Wear A String!!!
I absolutely LOVE my string…when I wear it, I feel strong, balanced, and sexy.  I would not go anywhere without it…I wear it all day long when I am at home or on the go.  It is so important for my everyday functions for work and play.  So….what the heck am I talking about…the String…really Darla…my string is my imaginary connection to the ceiling from my upper chest that maintains correct posture all the time.  My body just like all bodies is adaptable to the functions it performs.  If I were to sit all day slouched into my computer, standing with my shoulders slumped forward, driving all crooned into the dash board, or hunched over cardio equipment…YIKES…would I be in serious muscle dysfunction.  My anterior muscles of the chest, front deltoids (shoulders), neck muscles, and even core would become tight and adapt to that position…YUCK for the lungs as well…all crunched up and not able to deliver great oxygen supply to my body…OK..NO WAY. 

Do I have my String On?
  Also, do I want to be a person who stands humped over…OK...BIG NO…not healthy, not sexy, not ME.  Let’s talk about what would happen to my back muscles…overstretched & loose to accommodate the slump…Forget it people…NO WAY.  So, I prefer to pretend that my string is attached to the ceiling from my sternum area just like a puppet…walking, working, exercising, sitting, standing, driving all in perfect posture and to maintain great body balance & avoid muscle tissue dysfunction.   

Posture Check
This is not about being vain & cocky walking with my chest puffed out…certainly not about that…it is about beautiful posture.  I have talked with so many women especially who want to hide let’s say large breasts or small breasts so they adjust their posture to ensure that all is hidden…OK…on a soap box here…STOP DOING THAT!!!!  All bodies are genetically different and we need to embrace that, stop hiding, and LOVE who we are and please start wearing that FABULOUS STRING…get that chest out, walk proud, be confident, accept yourself…and feel on top of the world.  I have to admit when I first starting wearing my string it was a conscious effort of maintaining it all the time.  I had to constantly check myself and before long, it became automatic, and is now a part of what I do to maintain my 47 year young physique.  When I wear it I can feel my core contracted and strong, the ability to take large full breaths filling my tissues with fabulous oxygen, confidence and of course...I feel very tall…lol.  Such an important topic….posture… and now you know the secret behind my STRING…it is FABULOUS and part of my Stay Healthy Life and the BEST part…now you can wear one;)

Motivation of the Day:The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one.”

Workout of the Day: (neck is flared :/ so limited on the upper body this week)
ARC Trainer 45 min
Body Stuff:
Variety body weight legs
Squats/variety lunges/step ups: 20 reps each exercise x 4

Nutrition of the Day: (Enjoy the Video)
Coffee: Great one cup on an early morning
Protein Shake
Pumpkin Seeds & Home-made Protein cookie
Post- Workout Shake (watermelon)
Egg Salad on Thin bun
Grilled Chicken Breast Patty & Corn (Super YUM!!!)


Stay Healthy!