Friday, April 25, 2014


Yes I do.  I love my haters and I will share that typically those who are “hating” or critical of others really do desire to be loved.  There is something down deep inside of each of us that longs to be accepted and  feel good enough, and when hate comes to the surface it usually defines deep insecurities or unresolved issues within a person.  The ability to be motivated or happy by or for another is replaced with bitterness, jealousy, and to the point of “hating” a person for their accomplishments.  Because I realize that there are underlying factors involved with “hating”, I can look past comments and know that it is not about me when my haters come to calling.  Lately, I have received lots of negative comments, and especially when I share motivational posters that feature me in fitness wear or bathing suits.  If I allowed the negative posts I receive to negatively impair me as a person, I really do not have any business being an internet personality.  I have been in this industry for thirty years, and have read and heard my share of negative as well as the positive.

The only thing in this life I can control is me, and I let go of all the rest.  What I share with you comes with pure intention to motivate you to live a healthy life, and if that is not well received that is the chance I take, and the positive will always outweigh the negative in my opinion.  The recent “hating” on my body and boobs with a post focus/motivation  to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise, eat healthy,  or be happy with self is a clear demonstration of people that are not happy with “self” and feel the need to project and vent their frustrations.  The sad part about hating on the internet is the people acting out the behavior do not know the circumstances or life journey of the person they are criticizing.  Let’s use breast augmentation as an example in general and the possibility that the woman making this choice is doing so for cancer reconstructive purposes, or has been involved in an auto accident which has disfigured her breast, or to feel better about herself by gaining a more proportionate figure, or to regain fuller breasts post pregnancy of one or more births and breast feeding her blessings in life, and the list of reasons can go on and on.  I had a girlfriend who was out for a jog and an unleashed dog attacked her, leaped at her breast and pulled it off her chest, which took months of reconstructive repair.  We all need to realize, accept, and appreciate that personal choices belong to each person and that it does not make that person fake or a “bad” example.  In fact, it could be this person’s life story that can reach out and help others in similar situations.  It really comes down to if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. 

Wouldn’t life be grand if all of us were pro-positive of each other, supportive, motivating and complimentary?  The sad truth is that life is not that way, and within this imperfect world we are imperfect people trying the best we can to deal with unfair issues in this life.  That is the point of it all to be happy, and become a better person each day through our journey.  That is not accomplished riding in the “hate” wagon of life.  So whether it is a new house, car, clothes, body, face or your life in general, haters will hate because you possess something they don’t.  Their inability to figure out how to obtain happiness within their own self and life can create a very upset and angry person who copes with frustration through “hating”.  They deal with personal feelings of inadequacy after comparing themselves with others by turning themselves on what they think is making them feel upset…Me, You, Us.

Understanding the psychology of people has helped me a great deal in my journey of life, and has enabled me to develop a “turtle shell” skin that shields me from the negative drama in life.  Also, knowing that there is a lot to be said and appreciated with that old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.  I think it also comes down to maturity and realizing that life is too short and precious to not be surrounded by positive and to choose to be positive in life.  Loving my haters is a decision to persevere through adversity, and a choice to continue motivating no matter what the cost.  Also, I do wish for their health and happiness deep down and regardless of the negative, I get people talking and learning through the process.  That is a great thing! 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Thursday, April 17, 2014


Wouldn’t it be nice to wave a magic wand, and all of life is just how we wanted it to be?  We are blessed with the gift of life but how we live it is up to us, and that takes effort and choices.  There are consequences, hard lessons learned and happiness along the way, but ultimately it is in our choices that create the life of happiness we all desire.  Sometimes we do not even know what we want or how to create this happiness, and wander around going through some sort of life motions that we learned from healthy or unhealthy example.  Choosing the right way to create a life of happiness is quite the goal, but like anything else that takes time and effort, it is worth the journey to get there. 

I have gone through the ups and downs of not being happy in this journey of life, and have held onto the hope that God has a greater plan than I can ever imagine. Life has not been what I thought it would be as I contemplate it, but I am thankful for the life lessons of each circumstance that created an opportunity for me to learn and grow in positive ways. It took a choice for me to go to counseling during tough emotional times, to go to physical therapy during horrific physical times, and to rough up my knees in prayer during doubtful spiritual times.  All the choices to become a better person were in search of a happiness that I wanted in my life and I have always been in pursuit of all methods of work to reach that goal.

The pursuit of happiness also includes being a healthy person.  I believe that the two go hand in hand.  When we feel our best physically, it is easier to handle the emotional rides of life.  Also, when our “mental game” is healthy and our responses to life’s circumstances are handled with maturity, clarity, and good intentions this enhances our state of being healthy and happy overall. Happiness is a goal just like being healthy is a goal, and both are lifetime achievements.  There is no end to being a happy and healthy person, and each day is our chance to make choices toward being both. 

Easter seemed like the perfect time to share how important it is to be happy and healthy, and to take this opportunity to let you know that it is possible and necessary in this life.  Happiness does not just happen, but will take a commitment of self-discovery, and not being afraid to peel the onion and take a look at what is keeping you from being happy or healthy. This took years of work in my life, and I am thankful for it.  I will share that it has not always been easy, and nothing worth anything is, right?  My wish for you this Easter is health and happiness and for you to know that each day is a gift that provides a step closer to reaching those goals.  

Have a very Happy Easter from My Family to Yours

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