Tuesday, November 18, 2014


For all the ladies who think you are going to lose your feminine looks by lifting weights, I am here to tell you that it is a myth.  We simply do not have enough testosterone naturally to produce extreme muscle mass.  We do benefit from a firm and tone look produced with weight resistance training and also taking into consideration genetics we were blessed with in combination with a healthy eating program. Our lean mass will provide more shape than anything else and does it show after years of commitment?  The answer is yes, however it will not be substantial enough for us to dash into a phone booth ready to jump out sporting our muscular superwoman outfit. What will be noticed about a committed weight training program are shapely arms, butt, legs and overall fit look and side benefits of feeling great about the compliments received for those attributes. 

I have been lifting weights close to thirty years and do sport a lean muscular physique but do not consider myself bulky.  What allows my muscle to show more is maintaining a lower body fat percentage year round, however I keep that within a healthy range to not screw around with my hormones.  As a woman entering menopause I understand the importance and health benefits of weight bearing exercise.  I enjoy the visual results, but more important, I am making sure my bones remain dense and strong during the decline of estrogen from menopause.  Weight training is prescribed to all women going through this phase and to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and/or osteopenia.  I am genetically lean thanks to my Dad and that is just how I am built, but my body has also responded well to weight training.  Some may think I look bulky, but if you met me in person, you would have a whole different opinion.  Can I flex it up in images, well of course and I have got the back lash of “she is too muscular”, but bulky is not a word that can be used to describe my body.

The health benefits of weight training go beyond what is visible and includes improved bone and joint function, bone density, and increased muscle tendon and ligament strength.  The more lean mass we have, the more efficient our bodies become with burning energy stores and maintaining a healthy weight.  We become healthier overall, and our confidence is boosted when we feel our healthy best. 

The look obtained from weight training is one that exemplifies a healthy lifestyle, not some sort of “she-man” that seems to be running around in everyone’s mind. The media is in the market for distortion of the truth in all areas of fitness with photo shop, air brushing, and the verbal word of weight lifting for girls equals turning into a man.  This is so far from the truth and is laughable.  I believe in being our own health and fitness advocates, putting in the research about subjects such as weight training and doing what is best for our bodies to become a healthier person.  Our female hormones will allow for some increase and sculpting of beautiful muscle and the inward and outward benefits are not only beautiful but we as women should embrace weight training as a very important part of our health programs. 

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Stay Healthy,


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


We all can have a rebel that lives inside of us taunting and tempting us to turn to the dark side of unhealthy living.  It can even come in the form of outright discouragement from not seeing results right away and out of frustration stuffing our faces with crap because we think what’s the point? We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to putting ourselves down and throwing that adult temper tantrum that leads to nothing but making poor decisions and a negative “mental game”.  In comes resentment and anger at life, the choices we are making that should be working but not, and straight up “biotch” attitudes.  You have just met the inner rebel that seeks to destroy our efforts and take us down to the mental breaking point. 

I say, kick your rebel in the face and refuse to give in to the thoughts that will only give way to a domino effect of good things gone wrong.  Instead of listening to inner voices of temptation to jump ship with taking care of your health, slam immediately on the mental brakes and start writing down what you have been doing in a positive and negative way to take care of yourself.  This will require complete honesty about the food being eaten, alcohol being consumed, and exercise being done or avoided.  This is where we need to get real with our rebel self and in order to destroy the actions that occur from this other person.   Our mental game is at risk here and overall happiness with life and self.  If we lose control and throw in the towel, what good does that do anyone?  The battle is always with ourselves and how we handle that is again our responsibility.

I understand that not seeing results and working your ass off can feel so unfair when results in the mirror or on the scale are not being seen, but if you are completely honest with you, I am sure you will find that the rebel is allowed out to play way too much.  Becoming our best healthy self is about acceptance of this moment and what we are doing right now to change who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Being in denial about the rebel within will not allow for the best you to emerge and consistently be in control of your life choices.  Anger and bitterness over our circumstances resolves nothing, but being pro-active to get to the bottom of why the rebel is winning will provide the answers needed so that a change can be implemented.  

My Bare Faced Beauty Hope
November Challenge for the Ladies:  No Makeup November to support the true beauty of all women.  I am very proud to sponsor my daughter Hope on this campaign to reach out to women all round the world in an effort for them to realize their true beauty, enjoyment and acceptance of self.  Head on over to the No Makeup November page like I did, ditch the brushes and post your beautiful bare face! 

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Stay Healthy!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Who is guilty?  The scale game starts as innocent accountability of weight loss and then turns into a game of just how much we can get away with.  The fitness program is going great, the weight is coming off at a healthy rate and all of a sudden our thoughts turn to bringing unhealthy food items back into our lives at a more than moderation rate.  We challenge that scale and see how far we can push those numbers because we think there is leeway.  The purpose of obtaining a healthy weight is not to yo-yo back and forth, but to get serious about our health and maintain the lifestyle.  If the scale gets in the way of that, it is time to toss it, especially when the “scale game” derails our health and fitness goals and mental game.

We are not kidding anyone but ourselves when we play games with our efforts and what is that saying about what we are doing.  There is no half-way living a healthy life and the expectation of obtaining goals by not giving your best will show not only on the scale, but with how our clothes are fitting, and how we feel overall.  The scale game robs us of what we are trying to accomplish with our health and body, and thinking that it is a way to sneak in what we shouldn’t, well that is just wrong.  Yes, it will let us know that we have gained or lost, but when the purpose is to see how much more crap we can eat, or how much less we can exercise, then I would call that scale abuse. I am all for weighing one time per week for accountability and celebrating maintaining a healthy weight, or weight loss, but put my foot down against the scale game. 


Success will never come from games or lack of commitment to your goals.  The results will come from effort, a change in lifestyle, and choices with the food we eat and the exercise that we do on a consistent basis.  The scale has nothing to do with the choices, but will let us know about positive progress in a weight loss program.  It can be a friend or foe depending on how our mental game perceives it and how it is being used.  If the “scale game” is an active part of a health program then it really is not a health program.  It is time to stop the games, dump the scale if necessary, and get on with what we are trying to accomplish with our efforts. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button at the right to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy,



Monday, November 3, 2014


For some reason hiding behind our secrets seems to be the easy and almost normal thing to do while we are journeying through life.  Don’t be ashamed of your story because you just might inspire or help someone going through the same things.  All people will experience life with circumstances that may or may not be within our control, and what we are learning from these experiences helps to create who we are.  Why do we get so caught up in what people may think that hiding our true self along with our struggles for fear of rejection is more important than sharing who we are and what is happening within our life. Fear takes over our ability to own our life, robs us of our comfort level to share those things that are important, those things that we struggle with, what we may need help with, and sadly cuts off any chance of gaining a support system through difficult times.

In my lifetime, I have hidden my inability to set boundaries and allowed myself to be mistreated in early marital and boyfriend relationships. I have been a closet Christian, suffered alone with anxiety, hid my cervical dystonia condition, and in my competitive fitness hid behind a ripped body as being healthy.  I look back and can see that my fear of rejection kept me from being me.  During the time of my inability to set boundaries, I cared more about what people would think or say than my own health. I never wanted to be considered a failure. I am embarrassed to say that at one point, I did not confess to being a Christian, and just kept it between me and God.  I was so uneasy about having cervical dystonia and the embarrassment of the tremor that can accompany the condition that I did not feel normal and fearful of being the girl that gets pointed at with the whispers behind the back. Having anxiety in my life has sucked and thinking that others would not understand kept me from opening that box as well.

That was years ago, and my journey of accepting myself and sharing who I am really and truly has been such a relief and freeing experience, and has allowed me to help so many suffering the same ways that I have.  I am not saying that it has been an easy road, or something that happens overnight, and I am a firm believer in faith and a positive advocate for a great therapist to assist during difficult times.  Learning to love yourself and share your story is not only a healing process, but also opens the door for others to feel comfortable enough to step toward you for help.  When fear is set aside and being “real” with who we are replaces that chain around our soul, be ready for doors to open and contentment to flood your life. 

So many hide behind relationship problems, eating disorders, medical conditions, drug and alcohol addiction, money problems, and the list can go on, that enjoying what it feels like to truly be happy is impossible.  When we live fake lives with fake smiles, and are so overcome by shame, embarrassment or fear it is no wonder why so many people suffer with depression and stress.  Hiding behind lies does not provide healing and positive growth in our lives and until we learn how to share our stories with courage, we will not be able to be happy healthy people.  We are required to own what and who we are and to become a better person than yesterday.  That will take courage and taking that first step to sharing your story will not only open the window to self-healing but also open the door to inspiring others.   

Stay Healthy Fitness Happenings: Want to promote your business through low cost Ad Space or a fun Giveaway with Stay Healthy Fitness? Check out my pages for Ad Space or Host a Giveaway and I look forward to assisting you!

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Stay Healthy,