Monday, January 26, 2015


It has taken me awhile to write about this subject and I also have a family medical crisis that I am dealing with, so blogging time has been difficult to fit into my schedule. I shared with the world on my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook and Instagram that I was gearing up for my 50 club first experience at having a colonoscopy.  I took my husband a few years ago and all went fairly well, and I have also been re-assured by many that the prep is the worst part and the rest would be a breeze.  Sadly, this was not my experience.

Let me share that I have a very high pain threshold, had both of my children without drugs or epidurals, and in general it takes a great deal of discomfort for me to complain.  The prep for the colonoscopy was horrible, and I nearly vomited up the Moviprep solution each time I had to drink it.  I expected that so I was prepared that this was not going to be fun, and within an hour of drinking the solution, my frequent bathroom visits began.  It felt like self-induced stomach flu of the worst kind and I retreated under several blankets after each run to the commode. I had to drink more solution at 3:30am and continue the toilet runs up to the time of leaving for the hospital at 7:30am.  Needless to say by the time I was done, my poo looked like pee, and I lost 5lbs literally overnight, not the recommended or safe way to lose weight, but understand it needs to happen prior to this type of procedure.

I went into the procedure thinking that after the toilet trauma was complete, the rest would be smooth sailing, so I was ready for my short nap and passing with flying colors colon report.  The doctor was great and explained everything thoroughly and the nurses took really good care of me. I was covered with warm blankets, IV in place and ready to move to the procedure room.  Once the IV anesthesia was administered, I fell asleep quickly but what happened next was like an excerpt from a horror movie.  All of a sudden, extreme pain in my stomach started happening and I felt myself screaming that “it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, and to stop, stop, stop”   and I felt trapped in my mind and my body was enduring pain equivalent to child birth.  In the distance, I did hear a loud voice say “do you want us to stop” and I do remember saying “wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute”, and I was thinking if they stop, I would have to do this again and there was no way that was going to happen.  I do not know what I sounded like or how I moved during this process of extreme pain under IV sedation and was hoping someone would help me.  It could be more pain relief was placed in my IV, but I do not know that.  What I do know is that the pain was unbearable and unbelievable.  My colonoscopy was far from a breeze and I felt traumatized by the event.  The doctor did explain in my haze state upon check out that my colon is very compact with many bends, which caused a rigid application of the scope and caused pain similar to childbirth during the procedure.  His recommendation was that I go under general anesthesia for my next colonoscopy. 

It took my body a couple of days to recover from the anesthesia and I did not feel good physically or emotionally about what happened to me.  I had to know if others experienced extreme pain during a colonoscopy and began my research online and discovered that yes, I was not alone.  What a relief that I could read forums of so many sharing my same story and I think this is what bothers me the most.  I believe that in the paperwork received prior to the procedure that it should be outlined that extreme pain with colonoscopy can be experienced, and that measures will be taken to make the patient comfortable in that event.  I went in to my colonoscopy with a positive attitude and came out with post-traumatic stress about the event. 

I am not writing this to say that I am now against having a colonoscopy and do believe in preventative medicine.  I am happy to report that my colon is clear for ten years, but will be investigating different avenues of colonoscopy approach the next time.  I am writing this to inform people that extreme pain can be experienced, and it is not always a breeze for everyone.  I am in the percentage of those who do not respond well to colonoscopy and for those who have undergone and share my experience, you are not alone.  I was shocked to discover this about myself and now as I have always been, remain a voice of information about health related subjects.  It is important to be informed and your own health care advocate and hopefully the documents pre-colonoscopy will be revised to include a thorough statement of colonoscopy procedure expectations.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button below to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I know my platform revolves around health and fitness and being our best self each day, but I also feel that it is important to share stories that will inform and protect others from illegal and criminal activity which in a way is taking care of ourselves through this journey of life.  My share is personal and is a consumer horror story that has happened to me and my husband.  My goal is always to reach out to help and support others going through the same scenario and at the very least provide awareness especially if you are considering becoming involved with this company.  I filed the following report today with an online dispute service:

Direct TV has committed fraud and unauthorized removal of funds from our bank account. We have been loyal customers since 2009, never late on a payment, and out of contract with them since 2011.  We have been dissatisfied with their services for quite some time and over the past year have spent many hours negotiating bill reductions as every three months they would increase the bill and reduce the service.  Our Direct TV box failed and was no longer operational, which forced us to contact them once again for assistance. They offered to bring a "replacement" box at no charge and apology for the disruption in service...blah blah blah. They installed the replacement box and all seemed back to the normal increase of fees, reduction of service, etc. We decided to cancel service tired of going through the same song and dance of disenchantment and hours of BS on the phone.  Upon cancellation, Direct TV informed us that there would be an early contract cancellation fee applied of $340.  We have not been in contract with them since 2011, however they stated that the box installed in our home was a requested upgrade and put us in a 2-year contract.  This is a blatant lie and we have been good about documenting all conversations, names, specifics, etc.  In addition, we signed no 2-year contract when the replacement box was installed. After hours of trying to explain that this was an error on their part, they stated that there was nothing that could be done even up to the supervising end and we were given an address to submit a dispute of billing.  Direct TV would not provide phone numbers to their Legal Department and they were to only be contacted via letter.  That in itself is absolutely ridiculous that the Legal Department of Direct TV is unreachable by phone to resolve a conflict.  The Direct TV supervising staff informed us that we were right and it could be resolved at this level.  We drafted a letter to the Legal Department, Office of the President, Direct TV, INC, P.O. Box 6550, Greenwood Village, CO 80155-6550 which still has not been responded to.  The worst was to come when we opened our American Express statement and saw that Direct TV had made an unauthorized charge to our card in the amount of $340.  Direct TV is a company filled with liars, scammers, and thieves and we are more than upset about what has happened.  We have researched this subject via the Internet and have discovered that Direct TV is performing this scam nationwide and stealing from their consumers whenever a cancellation of service occurs.  We will be following the guidelines of many others and filing a Civil Lawsuit in Small Claims Court to recover our money and also will be charging them loss of wages and court filing fees.  The actions of Direct TV are criminal and we are hoping that our voice will be able to help others out there going through the same thing, and to inform people to not subscribe to Direct TV, and if you are leaning in that direction DO NOT PROVIDE ANY CREDIT CARD to hold on your account because they WILL steal from you. 

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has had this occur, are going through it, and those who are in need of a platform to voice their complaints.  With everything that I am reading online with the malpractices of Direct TV, this has been an ongoing issue along with many other criminal actions committed by Direct TV on their customers.  Several voices can create BIG WAVES and I am sure your comments will provide support and relief to many.  Let's put a stop to unfair business practices against innocent consumers.

Post your comment or complaint below and Stay Healthy!

Friday, January 2, 2015


Fitness involves more than how much weight is lost or reps in a set that can be accomplished.  Being a fit person involves discipline for each day, creates awareness, and instills conscious living. Fitness is a lifestyle and goes way beyond the physical.   Having the desire to obtain a quality life and following through on that goal really defines being healthy and fit, and when the focus remains in that direction, we set ourselves up for feeling and looking our best for life. 

We put so much pressure on ourselves to squeeze into the tiniest jeans or boast the largest biceps, that we tend to forget how being fit is supposed to feel.  A fit and healthy body should be free or minimized of pain and many people do not realize just how good we are supposed to feel, and instead accept and accommodate pain on a daily basis.  A fit lifestyle includes physical exercise but not of the nature that will injure our bodies and create chronic setbacks, and eating healthy nutrient dense foods that provide our bodies with healing qualities.  Rest is also on the menu for a fit body and a very important part of the program.  Without proper rest and sleep, our bodies will not recover from the demands placed on it through workouts, stress, and the overall daily grind.  Balance of work and play is also a part of a healthy lifestyle and forgetting how to reach our inner child is sadly lost through the busyness of life.  Taking an active rest day enjoying the outdoors, or a shutdown day complete with pajamas and movies may be the trick to recharge the mental batteries. 

We all can enjoy our life and live a healthy lifestyle at the same time. This is the absolute truth and is accomplished by simply being consistent with our choices and follow-through.  Being fit does not take working out seven days a week for several hours a day and eating boiled fish and broccoli.  This is far from what living a healthy lifestyle looks like.  When our thoughts are on taking the best care of ourselves, the enjoyment of living this life flows naturally like breathing.  The desire to purchase fresh healthy foods and try new recipes is more of an exciting thing to look forward to and not a curl your lip up downer for a Friday night.   Also, when that is combined with finding an exercise program that is enjoyed and works for your body, nothing feels better and provides a positive mental outlook.  The balance of life through play and rest can’t be emphasized enough because life is about quality and feeling our best. 

When the focus is on health and improving the quality of our life, the “fit” part of that equation happens along the way.  Letting go of the stress of wanting to look a certain way tomorrow and concentrating on how good being healthy feels will eliminate the frustration and pressure that we too often place upon ourselves.  Living a healthy lifestyle encompasses everything that we do on the daily and the fact that we are physical beings does not mean that the emphasis on fitness is all about the physical.  Our awareness of the importance of being a healthy person, what we are consuming, how we move our bodies, how we think and act, and the balance we create for ourselves are all included within the definition of fitness.  What do you think about that and hopefully this has opened your eyes to a new attitude when it comes to being a fit person?

Me and My Hubby
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Happy Stay Healthy New Year!