Thursday, December 19, 2013


I wanted to take the time to wish all of YOU a very Merry Christmas and an upcoming safe and Happy New Year.  WOW…can you believe how the time has gone by in a blink?  Life truly is like that you know and it is so important to cherish every moment, and really take in the meaning of things.  We get so caught up in busy, busy, busy, that even relaxing has become a stressful event…WHAT???

Believe me, I used to be one of those busy people who felt that time was utilized for work and if I was not doing something productive every minute then I was wasting valuable time.  This can really create a self- inflicted guilt trip that dares a person to even place their backside on the sofa for a minute…back then, it caused too much anxiety.  So, I buzzed around like a bee all the time and I did not realize how much of life I was missing.  I was too busy trying to make a living and not make a life. I truly thank God for my older, wiser, better self who has slowed the pace of my life down to a healthy balance and I can now see the world and everything all around me with much more clarity for many years now.  It is absolutely awesome to take deep full breathes and not feel on edge about this and that, and let go of thing that really do not matter in the big scheme of life.

Lately, my husband and I have been surrounded by people in crisis through illness, death, and job loss.  Our hearts have been touched, pained, and our knees bent in prayer for those that we care about.  It is times like these that life does not make sense, and even can provide a fear and a desperate cry for protection of our lives, relationship, finances, and all things meaningful in this life.  There is no amount of money that replaces a person, and that is when it is realized that all that busyness is for nothing.  It is so important to have a heart of gratitude, and thankfulness because there are people out there who are praying for the very things that I/you/we have that are taken for granted.  I know this sounds like heavy stuff, but it really is just a share of how important it is to realize how important life is…it is truly a GIFT and there are no guarantees of how long the gift of being here will last.  I do know that taking care of this gift of life is what I am supposed to do, and taking care of my physical, nutritional, emotional and spiritual health are all a part of that plan.  That is what I share with you here on the Blog…ME to MOTIVATE you, and if I have touched one person, inspired, encouraged, or helped in some way to better the quality of life for someone…then I have accomplished my goal. 

As I sit here typing my thoughts to you, I wonder what you are thinking, feeling, and how your life is going?  Are you caught up in “too busy” and not making time to take care of you, missing out on family and friend opportunities, not making a call to that person that has been on your mind, and other meaningful things that you think about  but are pushed aside each day because that busy voice keeps taking over? We never want to be in a position of regret and saying, I wish I would have done this or that, because at that moment it is too late.  Life is about taking those important things and doing them now.  Tossing the “too busy card” is a necessity to have a healthy life and that is really what this post is about. 

I understand the importance of work, but we all have the ability to create a healthy balance of life through choices, changes of priority, and our overall mindset of what we think and feel about life.  My wish and gift to all of you this Christmas, is that you all step back and really allow yourself to relax and get into the moment, develop a heart of gratitude, see with the eyes of a child and play with such freedom of non-care that it is contagious, laugh until your belly hurts, and be REAL in your sharing with your spouse, family and friends.  Adapt such a balanced, healthy lifestyle that everyone will be asking YOU what you are doing to get healthy, because it all starts between the ears and shines through with your actions.  Take good care and Merry Christmas!

ME and My Girls
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Thursday, December 5, 2013


I like that saying and it takes me back to when I was in junior high and high school.  I did not always feel the best about myself, but there was always a special motivation that came from my physical education teachers and coaches.  They made me feel accomplished, encouraged, and inspired me to do more and be more.  It was at that young age that I wanted to be like them, to be able to offer to young people that feeling of inner strength, confidence and overall happiness. goal in life was to be a P.E. teacher.  Of course I could not climb into their bodies and become them but imagining being them was pretty awesome in my younger years.  In my twists and turns of life, I am doing my passion on a broader spectrum than in a high school gym setting and I feel great about that.


The thing about life, mentors, and motivators is to understand the concept of guides, and yes to have goals.  The goals belong to each of us however, and admiring someone for blessing our lives in a positive way is absolutely fabulous, and even being inspired to work in a field of enjoyment, well life does not get any better.  The point I am getting to in this blog write is the importance of accepting the gift from a guide BUT having the ability to strive for our own goals and to achieve our own dreams. I am a guide and motivator for many people and I appreciate and am touched by all the wonderful feedback I receive on a daily basis. Now, I am going to get deeper here with you on this subject.  I am a guide NOT a goal, and I am speaking more about the physical appearance of Darla and what that may mean to you, how it affects you, what it makes you think about, how it motivates or not, etc. 


In my early competitive days, I admired Mia Finnegan and man did I want a body like hers.  I followed all the nutrition plans and extreme workouts to make that happen...but I was not her.  Why was I not good enough at that time?  It probably did not help to be scrutinized and judged on a stage by people I did not know, who were ready with pen in hand to tear apart the body that I worked so hard to put together.  It was at that time that I realized the politics that can and do exist in competition, but putting that aside, feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence can break a person in such circumstances.  My point again...I would never be Mia Finnegan and what a letdown, but also a light bulb moment of time to love ME for ME.  So, I do understand when guides get skewed out of position and even placed on a pedestal, but you know what, we are all just people. I am no more special than you are, and doing what I do is a passion that I want to provide as a gift of motivation for you. 


If you have noticed, I am cautious and conservative about posting self-images.  When I do post "selfies", I want them to be meaningful, motivational, and touch a chord of inner strength within YOU that says...I CAN DO THIS.  With all the society pressure of wanting to look like or be someone we are not, it is even more important for guides such as me to be clear in communication of how unhealthy that is.  The purpose is to PLEASE ADAPT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, not to cause feelings of insecurity and discouragement.  I know this is a "you can't please everyone" world and even what I am writing may come across as offensive to one and motivating to another.  I am here to motivate and celebrate living a healthy life with you and that is what I will clearly communicate.




Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Positive Power of Corporate Health and Wellness

Studies have shown the positive benefits of implementing corporate wellness programs, and Pacific Power Renewables in Auburn California has jumped on the band wagon of health for their employees in a BIG way! When CEO, Dan Powell contacted me to run the kick-off fitness challenge for Pacific Power, I was more than happy to oblige and over-the-top excited to be a part of bringing health into their work place in a fun, interactive way.  This was not going to be about anything generic, but I wanted to reach out to each individual employee and provide realistic goals and ideas on how to adapt a healthy lifestyle.  The PPR Ten-Week Fitness Challenge was going to run right through the holiday season…now talk about being serious…I was all in and motivated to MOTIVATE them!  Check out what Dan Powell, CEO Pacific Power Renewables had to say:


“When we first considered this fitness challenge, it was meant to be a general health improvement program.  It wasn’t about insurance premiums or anything else, we just care about our little family here and wanted them to be healthier.  We hoped a residual benefit would be some team building and bonding. We originally expected about a 50% participation level and about a 50% attrition rate from there. We were surprised that we originally had over 95% participation and only two people have dropped out.  On the flip side of that, we’ve had people from related companies, family members, etc. who’ve wanted to take part after we started. 


Now not even halfway through it, we have noticed a significant improvement in energy levels.  People seem happier, healthier, and are working together as a team to plan meals, exercise, even just daily walks.  We’ve all been having a lot of fun with it.  It’s a competition but a friendly one.


Our program was designed to have individual prizes for the greatest weight loss as well as group prizes for aggregate weight loss.  As well, we wanted to keep people motivated, so we offered individual awards for each significant milestone; running shoes, water bottles, exercise balls etc. 


Only partway through our 10 week “fitness challenge”, we are declaring it an enormous success.  I attribute that to the following key factors:

1)  We hired a professional trainer in Darla Leal.  She assessed each person, set realistic goals and supported them throughout in uniquely individual ways.

2)  People here were on the verge of making these kind of life changes, they just lacked the motivation. 

3)  We went into this full bore, big prizes, professional trainer constant attention and motivation.


I have heard some touching stories come out of this.  People have made significant changes to their lives and we’re so glad we started this.  We’re having Darla give us a healthy cooking workshop in a couple weeks and people are really psyched about that.  Thank you for all your hard work Darla.  This has been fun!” Dan Powell (CEO Pacific Power Renewables Inc.)
Corporate wellness incentive plans are a great way to get employees started in a corporate health and wellness program.  Pacific Power has covered all bases with individual, group, and recognition awards throughout the program and the employees are definitely motivated.  I have seen excitement build over the weeks of working with each employee as weight has been lost, inches reduced, and overall health improved, but more than that, I have observed an improved mental outlook and happier person.


“I had been working out and eating somewhat healthy for months, but not losing the weight like I used to.  Darla offered lots of ways to make small changes that have really made a difference.  I’m finally on my journey in the right direction again!” Jennifer Goodwin


Most people spend more hours at work than anywhere else in addition to the time they spend commuting each day.  Taking that into consideration, it is easy to see why maintaining a healthy work and life balance has become increasingly important.  It is the caring employer that recognizes a corporate wellness program as an important tool to establish this balance.  The common goal of a workplace wellness program is to promote the well-being of the employees, employers and organization in general.  It is within such positive work environment that the morale is boosted overall, productivity is increased, and absenteeism is reduced as only a few benefits of a corporate wellness program.


“Darla is a very energetic, encouraging REAL trainer.  She listens to what your needs are and helps you find ways of success for your lifestyle.  Your encouragement and guidance got me started on the road to better health.  I am excited about losing weight and becoming healthier.  I am finding inner strength that I didn't realize I had and am now learning to control my weight instead of my weight controlling me.”Sarah Modgling

The bottom line is that Pacific Power Renewables has taken advantage of the benefits of corporate
wellness and has made it a goal to implement a program sooner than later, and not waiting until employees are stressed, sick or applying to other jobs.  I am touched each week by the care of the management and the response of the employees and have had the privilege to be a part of something very special within Pacific Power.  They have definitely set the bar high for other companies to follow suit in implementing a health and wellness program.  They realize that a healthy employee is a happy employee.

“I have really enjoyed this opportunity to work with Darla, and learn how to incorporate better, healthier choices into my life. Being accountable to another person has made it easier to stick to the program and keep up with my daily journal. Her enthusiasm is contagious and keeps me motivated to take my fitness to the next level.”

“Thank you so much for the nutrition work shop on Friday - it was a blast! The camaraderie that has developed from this program is really awesome!!”  Gina Herum
Stay Healthy Nutrition Workshop


Healthy Pizza Workshop
Another important and visible element of a corporate wellness program is setting up a fitness facility where employees can work-out.  Pacific Power Renewables has also answered that call and I have had the pleasure to conduct an interactive group exercise class as an intro to their new workout area.  This is definitely an added perk, free of cost, convenient and an investment that this company is willing to make for the health of their employees.  In addition to the fitness facility, Pacific Power has provided a Nutrition Workshop where I was able to teach not only the importance of eating healthy, but gave them a hands-on experience of cooking and tasting healthy foods.   When an organization invests in the health of their employees, the benefit is truly for the employer and employee as the quality of the workplace and the work through productivity and satisfaction are greatly improved in addition to overall health benefits for all.  Hats off to Pacific Power Renewables for making corporate health a priority!


It is time for all companies, large or small, to invest in the importance of health within their corporate environment.  I would be happy to consult with you to make this happen and I look forward to hearing from you.  Starting with a “Fun Fitness Challenge” to motivate and get people fired up for the program is a great start.  Give me a call today and StayHealthy!



Me with CEO Dan Powell and wife Karen
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!






Monday, November 11, 2013



"This really appealed to me in such a POSITIVE way. Life is about our journey, and the CHOICES that we make to become better people in ways that make sense to us. I think about the word "health" and what that really encompasses and it is not just a number on a scale but a combination of emotional, spiritual, physical and nutritional. I live my life the way I want to and some may like it and some may not, but it is MY LIFE, just as YOUR life belongs to YOU. We all have differing issues, possible medical problems and limitations, overwhelming life stresses, and those behind closed doors secrets that may greatly impact our life, and that we simply choose not to share with others. Those things belong to us, and sifting through and creating answers to our individual stories is what matters and doing so to become a healthier happier person in all areas of "health" is what counts. There is never a "one size fits all" answer to our fitness and nutrition programs, how we serve God, and how we choose to live our life. We are NOT generic people made to fit in some sort of "health" box coming out the other side all fixed. That is just not reality. What I enjoy may not be what you enjoy, what I eat may not be what you like to eat; the service I give to God may not be how you honor get my point. I never fall for gimmicks that claim that this is the "only way" to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Really??? Based on what? When each of us walk a mile in each other's shoes, then we "might" have the ability to make such claim, but I will always be the type of MOTIVATOR that realizes that life and the journey to health is different for everyone, and I will do my best to provide the correct encouragement for YOU."


I shared the above post on my Facebook page last week as I was inspired after seeing a motivational poster and  reading several articles on the whole controversial “what’s your excuse” image that has been receiving both positive and negative feedback.  I am a believer of intention and positive messages shared through my life and stories.  I share because I am inspired to write and through that I am hopeful to help someone adapt a healthier lifestyle, whatever that may mean in a life and in that moment.  My intention is never to discourage, but to be a motivator through my passion of helping people.  Sometimes, images and statements can be miscommunicated which is why I am not a huge fan of texting as so many things can get lost in translation.  I believe that much misinterpretation occurred with the controversial image and that is one thing that a picture is unable to do…explain intention.  The originator intended one thing, the audience perceived something completely different.  The laughable part of the whole scenario is that all publicity is good publicity in the world of marketing, and one controversial image regardless of intention is now the beginning of either a great opportunity to further help people through the exposure, or a lost chance that will eventually fade due to inability to keep the audience captured.


I will share that I am a “NO EXCUSES” trainer when it comes to people giving me reasons why health is not a priority.  I do not hear that “my health is not a priority” stated in those words from people, but I hear it through the underlying messages of “I am too busy”, “I am unable to cook”, “I am unable to afford a trainer or membership”, “My kids need me, my husband or wife wants this kind of food”, “My work does not allow”, “I am on the road constantly”, “I have no time to shop”, and the list goes on and on.  The point is that I do not accept or believe that anyone is too busy to take care of their health. When I post an image of myself, it is not for the intention of saying “hey, check this out and you should look like this”, it is for motivation to share that I am almost 50, have gone through major physical and emotional adversity, and have come out the other side healthy and happy.  My career is my passion and I do walk the talk of consistent exercise and healthy eating, and I share that with my clients, family, friends, and anyone who will listen to me.  I will not tell anyone to implement a “my way is the only way” approach to health, fitness and overall wellness as that is not true.  I am confident in my teaching and my example, and know that it works, but intelligent enough to respect and research other avenues.  Shoot, I enjoy learning from my clients when they have researched a topic. In my book, we are in this world together, working together to be the best we can be.  I do not have the expectation that my clients or you will exercise like me, or maintain nutritional intake as I do.  I may make things look easy but I bet if I came to your job and I was able to watch what you do, I would think the same thing of you. The only expectation that I have is that healthier habits are formed and an eventual healthy LIFESTYLE is adapted and whatever that looks like to each person that I have had the opportunity to work with is an A+ in my book.  I always grade on a curve too as we are not perfect people, but always works in progress.   What it comes down to is that we all KNOW WHAT TO DO…right?  The problem lies in not accepting what we already know needs to be done to be healthier people.  It is my life, your life, our lives and how we CHOOSE to live each day is up to each and every one of us.  I do not want you to look like me, exercise like me, or eat like me because I am doing a great job living my life.  I am hopeful that you are sparked to make healthy choices for you, to implement exercise routines that you enjoy, to start cooking healthy foods that you like, and to look in your mirror and say I want to look like a healthy ME.


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Stay Healthy~


Monday, October 21, 2013


Enjoying Maui last month
I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold or extreme heat and it calls for creative indoor workout preparation for the long winter months ahead.  There is this motivational poster that says “There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people”.  Well pull up my socks and call me soft…because I am definitely not one to venture into the cold, sleet, snow, or hail for a walk or WOG (walk/jog).  I am a fair weathered fitness gal and am happy to say that I may be soft on the inside, but my body tells a much different story on the outside without facing the weather extremes.


I believe it is just all preference of course when it comes to working out, and I
choose to exercise without battling the elements.  Hats off to those who love all that stuff, and in a way it sounds really cool when I read workout stories that deal with extreme environments.  This gal would literally freeze into some sort of ice crystal mess with aching ears, and numb hands and feet. 
That is one COLD TURKEY!!!

This means preparing differing indoor workouts because I am all about muscle
confusion and keeping fitness fun.  I am one to get bored doing the same thing too many times and having a plan always works best for accountability and will ensure that I am ready to go.  I enjoy HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts and can write one of those up in a jiffy.  HIITs are probably my favorite due to covering so many muscle groups very dynamically in a short period of time.  I like to complete at least 30 minutes during a high intensity workout.  Then there are my slower paced cardio, core and stretch days which I really like when my energy is not where it should be, or my muscles are sore and need to recover.  Another fabulous workout that I love to create is a Pyramid, where I select four to five movements and start either at the bottom or top of the pyramid and work the reps up or down depending on how I want to  begin.  This type of workout makes me feel very accomplished, and I am pretty spent at the end.  It can take me a good hour to get through a pyramid that has ten steps to it.  I can’t leave out my circuit training, another great way I enjoy exercise, and utilizing my smith machine or free weights to complete a variety of strength moves that can be focused on all over body or body part selective. 


The wonderful thing about exercise is making it my own, and doing the things that I enjoy.  That is so important because if I did not like what I was doing, I would not be coming back for more that is for sure.  The fact that exercise is part of my lifestyle feels good and it is a “want to” for me and although I do understand the importance for my health as a “have to”, I would not feel like ME if I did not challenge my body physically regardless of the health importance.  It is such a gift to be able to exercise and that is how I look at it, and I am not going to let bringing in the cold stop me.  I just adapt, change and create what will work for me during a time that I will miss being outside as much. 



Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy~


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Remember being graded on a curve back in high school?  I implement something similar when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.  I am sure you have all heard of a 90/10 or 80/20 percent variable when it comes to eating clean and exercise.  What it comes down to for me is CONSISTENCY with a curve and that allows for the little fun off the plan meals or missed workouts that WILL be a part of my balanced life.  I really do not stress about it, and I try to have a positive and fun outlook most of the time.  There are times that my mental game can be in the tank just like anyone else, and my actions have to be stronger than my mind.  It is in these moments that I realize that the workouts never get easier, but I definitely am stronger for them. 


I am not perfect and never will proclaim to be, but I am CONSISTENT.  I exercise at least five times per week and nothing extreme either.  I get in my sixty minutes and sometimes even forty-five and call that good.   I am in lifetime maintenance mode, which is easier than let’s say having a goal of building muscle mass.  Through my journey of consistent exercise, I have paid my dues to create the muscle that I have, and I am happy with that and do not long for more.  What I do care about and my lifetime goal is being a fit healthy person, having a quality life, free from injury, pain, and to just feel good overall.  I strongly feel that when the focus is on healthy and quality life rather than meeting the goals of extreme this or that, then a healthy body is the result.  So much brain effort is placed on all the new workouts and “diets” that people are becoming obsessive, discouraged, disenchanted and sadly give up before even trying. I enjoy being simplistic, getting back to the basics, and do not fall for the fads when it comes to working out. 

I eat healthy REAL foods the majority of the time and am CONSISTENT with this
habit that is now my lifestyle, and do not stress when a craving calls for something off my normal.  Please do not think that I am sitting over here eating boiled fish and steamed broccoli.  That is definitely not me, so boring, and I enjoy spicy foods and lots of variety to even want restrictions like that as part of my life.  Besides, that is not realistic, not lifetime maintainable and just could not be accepted consistently in my menu planning. Healthy eating does not mean I am on a diet, it just means that I eat healthy foods all the time that taste good. 

I maintain my body CONSISTENTLY to keep it healthy, to feel good and yes, I enjoy the outward part of being a healthy woman.  Anyone who says different just is not being honest.  I feel a certain confidence that comes from being a healthy person and I enjoy that. Things that I will not call a sacrifice to keep me consistent are eating at home all the time and rarely dining out.  On those rare times, it is a real treat and in fact, I do not mind hitting up the dessert menu during those occasions.  Honestly, I prefer my cooking to what is served in restaurants, for so many reasons.  I can control what is actually going in my face, the fats, sodium, and overall organic value of what I am eating.  The struggles I have are with getting to bed on time and I would have to give myself a “needs improvement” grading on the curve. I enjoy my weekends so much and night time with my hubby that sometimes, it is difficult to want the evening to end, and the consequences are a tired, and not fully recovered body.  Overall though, I am very CONSISTENT and enjoy a bit of a curve in life for that balance that is so important. 



Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy~
