Friday, August 29, 2014


I like to make the most of my precious time and that means having a focused exercise program that fits into my schedule, and works best for my body.  I believe in quality not quantity, and using exercise movements that challenge me to change me, but do not hurt me.  It is not a fun place to be when exercise brings about injury and especially when that injury stops me from doing what I like to do.  I do not even like to feel a nagging pain that I know was caused from a certain move I should have avoided, but the push to want was greater than listening to what my body was telling me at the time. It is those types of constant and repetitive things that can bring about a chronic issue and I say no thank you to that. What it comes down to is training “smarter and not harder.”

I do not need to prove anything to anyone, and I do want to maintain a healthy body that not only looks good but feels good for the duration of my life. What that means is keeping my routine simple, smart, and effective to get the job done.  That is all that is required to keep my body healthy, happy, and feeling good overall.  Our bodies are fabulous machines that appreciate smart maintenance through movement and premium fuel for energy.  On the other side of that coin, a body that is in a constant state of extreme abuse will experience wear and tear, and eventual break down that does not feel good in the years to come. 

Smart training consists of challenging the anaerobic and aerobic systems, strength and endurance, stabilization and flexibility of our bodies. Simple programs can accomplish all of these goals and are necessary to create and maintain a healthy physique.  The challenge does not have to be gut wrenching, feel like death kind of stuff, but simply pushing our bodies above the physical limits of what is considered our “normal” status.  Standing would turn into brisk walking for 30 minutes for example, or WOGing (walk/jogging). Now combine that with body moves like squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and stretch program and a smartly balanced program has been achieved. 

When physical training is looked at simply and smarter, it does not feel so overwhelming.  When the “hard” is taken out of the equation, a whole different mental game can be applied and a more positive outlook of “I can do this” now enters the picture. The beauty about training smart is an easier time creating programs that best fit our bodies and provide the results that make us healthy people.  No competitions, except with being our best healthy self and better than the day before because we are experiencing the benefits of smart training. 

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Let's get down to the business of reasons and how they fit into our daily life and overall health and fitness.  Reasons are often used to avoid a workout or eat healthy meals and I think we can all agree on that. Can I go as far as to say they parallel excuses and guess what, we all can have them and often do. What amazes me is how often we think and want to be healthy, want the hot body, the glowing skin and quality life without pain, but come up with every reason in the book to not do what it takes to obtain the goals.  I say it is time to "reel in the reasons" and ask why they keep getting in the way of the thing we most want.  

On top of the reasons that pull us in the opposite direction of our goals is almost a rebellious attitude of "I can eat and do what I want" and still reach my goals.  A negative attitude, excuses, and rebel behavior is definitely not going to achieve a healthy body or mind for that matter. I like that saying that goes "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it" because it really zeros in on what it takes: EFFORT.  Effort becomes the driving physical force that puts the end to the reasons, and sets on fire the mindset of "I can and I will."

Why is the effort involved to live a healthy life considered a burden, and why are reasons used to avoid it.  This perplexes me as it takes effort to do most everything in this life: careers, ministries, events, vacations, chores, etc., and those things are performed without a hitch, but bring up the "health or fitness" word and one would think you were talking about scaling the largest mountain peak in the world or the plague. Life is too short to let the "reasons" get in the way of being our best self, and to believe that it is acceptable to convince ourselves otherwise is absolutely crazy. 

All the time spent coming up with reasons why not, we all could have done what should have been done already.   That is the honest truth about how time is so mismanaged and our bodies are suffering the consequences.  It is important to not give up what our minds are thinking about for ourselves and I am referring to health, fitness, and goals.  The reasons need to be reeled in, caught in the net, and tossed back as not large enough to get in the way.  

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 THE Herbal Face Food
STAY HEALTHY FITNESS HAPPENINGS: Check out THE Herbal Face Food and review all the fabulous benefits this organic facial serum provides.  I was excited to give it a try for 10 days and what I noticed was improved skin hydration and overall improved tone. I am 50 years young and will have my smile line wrinkles around my eyes, but have to say that those did diminish some, and also a deep wrinkle I had on the left side of my lower face greatly reduced and barely visible now. The horizontal wrinkles across my forehead also diminished in depth which was very exciting. The fragrance is strong and does take some getting used to as most herbal remedies, but I believe the benefits are greater than not using it because of the scent. I am sponsoring THE Herbal Face Food as a product that I can stand behind, gimmick free, and agrees with my philosophy of health and fitness. Take a look at my results below for my 10-day trial period and if you have any questions, hit me up in the comment section below:

Want to promote your business through low cost Ad Space or a fun Giveaway with Stay Healthy Fitness? Check out my pages for Ad Space or Host a Giveaway and I look forward to assisting you!

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Exercise does not have to be extreme to be effective.  When it comes to our health and fitness, it is not a competition, but a lifetime maintenance body program.  There may be those who have certain goals and need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general creating a healthy ROCKIN body can be accomplished by moving it for 30 minutes at least five days per week.  Most of us want to feel and look good in and out of clothes with a simple exercise routine that does not require leaping over tall buildings in single bounds and lifting hundreds of pounds of weight.  I am not knocking those doing the leaping, heavy lifting, or extreme sports with this Blog, but addressing the norm demographic of everyday people who just want to get healthy and look healthy.

Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking is sufficient to maintain a healthy body, and spread over time throughout the week.  It would be reduced to 75 hours per week if the exercise is vigorous like running or attending an aerobics class.  Also recommended is weight resistance training two days per week, and although the guidelines are not quite as thorough with duration on this one, I personally keep my weight training sessions to no more than 45 minutes including my warm up and stretch time.  What that means is if you move that body for 30 minutes five days per week while maintaining a healthy nutrition program, you will see results or maintain an already in shape physique.  Everyone has 30 minutes to give to their health regardless of any excuse thrown down on the table.  If health and fitness is a priority, the exercise will be a priority and that is the simple truth of it. 

The best part about getting our sweat on for 30 minutes is making it our own.  When we create physical activities that are enjoyable, that is what builds a lifestyle of physical activity.  If the outdoors suits your fancy, lace up the tennis shoes or hiking boots and find some fun trails, and if using cardio equipment while watching a show or listening to music floats your boat, that works just as well.  The heart muscle only understands the demands of exercise being placed on it, not what you are specifically doing if that is a question you are pondering.  Sweat is sweat, a mile is a mile, and 30 minutes is 30 minutes and what you do to increase the heart rate at a moderate level for that amount of time is up to you.  The point is to just MOVE IT!

It really comes down to getting back to the basics of exercise and keeping it simply fun, and a part of our everyday life.  The latest trend of extreme this or that, no pain means no gain, or work until you bleed program will never become the maintenance body program that will carry us from where we are now into our elder years. There is much controversy with these types of programs and some are used to fit specific athletic goals, but not what the laymen person is looking for to get healthy and overall improve quality of life.  I am trying to motivate everyone to just MOVE IT FOR 30 MINUTES as a start, and not get caught up in the hype of fad exercise movements that may look absolutely amazing, but are not the “only way” to achieve healthy results.  There lies the confusion of interpretation that the only way to achieve a smoking hot body is to do this type of new trend or fad workout.  Believing that there is only one way to achieve something creates a very boring world and variety is truly the “spice of life.”

Working in this industry for over 30 years, I have come to appreciate more and more the simplicity of health and fitness, and that it truly does not require as much time as one might think to be a healthy person.  I never exceed a one hour block of time in my workouts and often I am reduced to the “move-it for 30-minute” program because it fits with my work schedule.  As long as I challenge my body, it feels good, and I am focused on quality of movement, I am accomplished and start my day energized.  Getting caught up in the stress of what we think exercise is according to the media scares many off with feelings of intimidation and inadequacy, and stopping people before they even start.  Crap, some of the things I see scare me as well, but the thing to remember is not to believe everything you read or see, and stick to searching for what works for you.  Keep it simple, don’t stress or sweat the small stuff, and all of us do have the time to just MOVE IT for 30 MINUTES.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Friday, August 15, 2014


The dreaded food journal can be your best friend and accountability partner when it comes to implementing a healthy nutrition program.  I have heard it all when it comes to fitness and food journals and the love/hate relationship that keeping track of food intake can cause. The problem is really not the food journal, but it is the issue of not being honest with ourselves.  When life is going great and our program is on track, we gladly write down every healthy morsel placed in our face with a smile and will even share the exciting events that are producing the positive results.  

On the other side of that coin is the need to hide or even toss our journals to the curb as temptations to go “off plan” creep into the program.  It is almost as if we convince ourselves that being unhealthy is not happening if it is not written down in the journal.  Believe me, you can run but your body will not hide the consequences of unhealthy choices.  The fact is the food journal wants to know all the dirty little secrets whirling around in our heads: our thoughts, if we are having triggers, cycle approaching, crappy day, or anything else that may send us into an unhealthy eating pattern.  Often times using the food journal as an emotional outlet helps to resolve behaviors that may occur, and allows us to get back on track sooner than later.

Giving our food journal the stink eye for poor food choices is not where that stare should be placed.  Living a healthy lifestyle is a personal choice and responsibility that we all need to realize.  If our fitness programs are off track that is on each of us and we need to own the consequences of those choices.  Keeping secrets from our food journal does nothing to help in a positive way, and in fact will prevent us from reaching the goals of a healthy body.

We can come up with all kinds of reasons to not journal our food intake: pain in the ass, waste of time, it’s not working, controls me too much, refuse to feel micromanaged, and the list goes on.  The food journal needs to stop getting the bad rap for our poor food choices, and the fact that it is not working is about the dishonesty that is occurring when we cheat on the journals.  Studies have shown weight loss success and overall health improvement when food and fitness journals are in place.  It is our unwillingness to take our health seriously that prevents us from reaching our goals.  When we cheat on the food journal we only cheat ourselves and it is true “what we eat in private, we wear in public”. Also, we are walking bill boards of the type of life we live, healthy or unhealthy.

We have the choice to view the food journal as friend or foe, and that choice will determine how serious we want to reach our goals and live a healthy life.  If we view the food journal as a friend that will always be there and never let us down, the success rate of weight loss and overall health improvement would increase by a great margin.  I believe it is time to do what we can to be accountable to a healthy lifestyle and although it may be difficult to see the real stuff behind our choices when we journal, it is necessary to make the changes that will get us going in a healthy direction.  Friends should be able to offer constructive criticism and have it be accepted in a positive way without defensiveness.  The food journal is there to do that very thing: show you what has gone wrong, where you can improve, and ultimately help you make better choices for living a healthy lifestyle. 

Heather Agnew Photography
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy!


Monday, August 11, 2014


Sabotage is a strong word to describe the behavior that can sneak into our life and steal the success that healthy eating and exercise has provided our bodies.  It can come in the form of our own thoughts, an unsupportive spouse, friend, and even co-workers. The important thing is to be on guard so that the forms of sabotage can be recognized and dealt with in a way that is healthy, and keeping us on track with our fitness goals. I am not addressing the occasional cheat meal or even day, I am talking about a chronic issue of falling into a trap of being swayed away from a healthy lifestyle, and allowing that to happen.

Living a healthy lifestyle takes mental strength and a loving commitment to maintain our best self through consistent healthy choices each day. Let’s address self-sabotage and how it can creep into our mind and try to convince that “just this once” or “just a few bites” can become part of the healthy plan.  The issue with this type of sabotage is that it does not stop at the “just once or a few bites”.  Often times, this mindset flows into several days, weeks, and even months, and before it is over, the weight loss achieved is back up to where it started, and possibly more than the initial weight. Convincing ourselves that eating crap on a regular basis is never a good thing for our bodies, and remaining on guard so that self-sabotage can be recognized and dealt with immediately is crucial to stay on track with our fitness and health goals. Keeping a daily fitness journal is a helpful accountability tool to keep us on track.

Another sabotage culprit is that wonderful person you live with until death do you part.  Love has nothing to do with sabotage of this type and the non-supportive spouse may not get the whole new health thing or does and is struggling with acceptance of your new healthy lifestyle.  There are many relationships like this and living a healthy lifestyle becomes difficult, as the processed foods and other temptations continue to hide in your pantry and refrigerator.  Sometimes, a spouse turned healthy and leaving the other behind can cause friction in the relationship as guilt trips occur over the change in lifestyle.  It is so important to realize that each person is ready when they are ready and force-feeding a new healthy lifestyle on your spouse will only drive a wedge in the relationship.  As the one wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, model by example, and when the cupcakes come calling, politely say “no thank you” and grab a yogurt and piece of fruit to eat along with your partner. Mental strength has to be on overtime in these circumstances as there will be a daily guarantee of temptation.  Keep that promise of creating your best healthy self and great positive attitude, and almost assuredly your spouse will eventually join you.  Patience will be your best friend here.

Sabotage among friends exists and it can be ugly.  Creating a healthy lifestyle will mean making hard choices and dismissing ourselves from possible temptations that will steal our accomplishments. Some friends may not understand that you no longer want to eat processed foods or drink alcohol all night long, and are happy to provide the peer pressure to get you to fold on your commitment to self.  A strong mental game is definitely a requirement and sometimes a request of support from your friend will be necessary.  A true friend will understand and come alongside of such an important decision and one that does not care will continue to sabotage your efforts. If you continue to hear that it is OK to let your hair down and relax with your program on a continual basis from a so-called friend, you may want to re-think the motives of this friend.  It is unfortunate, but jealousy does exist and can rear an ugly head during such times, and some may not be able accept that your body is changing in beautiful positive ways.  The important thing in this type of situation is to be true to you, regardless of what is said or pressure felt.  Going out can be limited to a glass of wine and water in addition to healthy food selection.  Continue to enjoy your life and implement the healthy choices and the rest will take care of itself.

It seems like there is no safe place for the healthy person to hide from the forms of sabotage and the workplace is no stranger to being involved.  Do you have a break-room filled with daily temptation, or that co-worker who always brings the donuts and gladly sets one on your desk? Put up the mental defense when it comes to accepting sabotage at work because you do have more control here.  Bringing a cooler filled with your healthy planned meals will keep your fingers off the bagels and cream cheese with a side of cookies.  Be stronger than the saboteur and say “thanks but no thanks” to the invitation of work indulgence eating.  If a strong mental game is not put into play, visiting the break-room can become a daily occurrence with the results showing up on the waist line, and a complete derail of the healthy lifestyle you want to implement.


Stay Healthy Fitness Happenings:  WIN a fitness tank from Chase Infinite Apparel. Chase Infinite is a fitness apparel company focused on empowering women and fighting domestic violence. They donate $1 from every shirt sold to charities that fight domestic violence and breast cancer. They are also having a promotion going using the discount code “STRENGTH” to purchase a tank for $20.  Go to my Current Giveaway and Winners Page and Enter Today.  The winner will be selected next Monday. Stay Healthy!  

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


So many of us have a hard time accepting the great things about ourselves, the accomplishments achieved, the results gained, and instead zero in on what we think is negative.  I have to admit that I am guilty of this on occasion and I know my hubby would like to beat me over the lack of “mental game” head when I have a vocal slip. Why do we go right for that juggler of what we “think” is not a great attribute on our bodies, even if it is a work in progress? I for one am going to toss any negative stuff that may pop out of my mouth about myself into the mental trash can.  I do not allow negative talk in my studio, and I will not be a hypocrite behind closed doors.  So, next time I complain about how my butt is not as lifted, and go for a squeeze of disappointment on the cheeks, I will slap my own backside for that behavior.

The journey of this life is to be our BEST self at every age, and joining the  50+ club now means my bootie will not be as high and tight as my twenty something beautiful backside daughter (btw … got it from her Mama J), but I applaud that I am happy with my body overall.  Sometimes I think it feels difficult mentally to grow old and more like an inability to believe or accept that it is happening.  We go through the process of living each day not thinking about what is going on with our bodies with each passing day, month, or year.  The reality is that we are all growing older and the changes that go along with that are not an option.  I am not counting the options of medical science elective processes that are chosen to hide what is happening with our aging process and let’s face it, minor elective procedures stop working or look absolutely ridiculous as the years add up.  In my mind I still feel twenty-something, but the mirror reveals a truth that sometimes blows my mind and I am sure many can relate to what I am saying.

It is not that I am being a negative Nancy about me or my body, but I do miss my younger self sometimes. I believe that is an OK feeling to have as long as it does not interfere with accepting the beautiful person that I am right now.  The years have gone by in what seems like a blink of an eye and that is what is so unbelievable.  I look at my daughter and see myself years younger and WOW, if that is not a reality check.  That is when the meaning of life and how generations are ready to step up and into the position of where I am hits home. It truly is a beautiful thing and growing older is an honor and privilege, but for many it is scary to face or accept.   It really is OK to say that I am fifty years old and that I am happy with my fitness level and body appearance. Loving ourselves right where we are is what starts the positive mental game process of improving and progressing.

Trashing who we are, verbally attacking our bodies, and feeling crappy or guilty about it is not a healthy way to live.  It is important to achieve the best health and fitness at every age and that is what matters in addition to being happy through the process.  No one enjoys being around a negative Nancy or Ned, and that can stop with each of us by holding our tongues and immediately changing our thought process to something positive when those negatives try to knock at our door. In fact, it is important to take it out of our door and right into the trash.

New Stay Healthy Fitness Happenings:  I have started accepting Ad Space submissions and excited to tell you about a new product that I am trying out and is also on the left sidebar of my page.  Herbal Face Food got in touch about their product and I am the type of person that needs to believe in any product that I would promote. I was excited to see the all organic ingredients that I could recognize and also knew they were fabulous for the body.  I have begun a 10-day trial period with the face serum, and will get back to you with the results on my face.  Take a look at Herbal Face Foodand let them know that Darla from Stay Healthy Fitness sent you.

Heather Agnew Photography
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy!
