Sunday, June 24, 2012


Such a fantastic word…I love feeling accomplished…can you relate?  When it comes to a workout and it is on a day where I am feeling unmotivated and I kick it into gear and do it…ACCOMPLISHED.   I can also feel this way after cleaning the bathrooms…YUCK…but it has to be done.  I can have such an overwhelming AWWWW feeling inside after I have completed something on my long “to do” list…or even my short one.  It is like falling back on the couch and saying to myself…well done Darla…I do not need to look for anyone’s approval to feel this way.  It is my inner contentment, and love for self that I long to satisfy…and make God happy with what I do of course.

Believe me…I see so many people get caught up in the race of competing with others, comparing to others, wanting to be like others…that they are missing out on their own accomplishments…great or small...why oh why I say…and I further say STOP already.  I have got on my soap box a few times about the whole comparison subject and probably will touch on it again and again…it is that important.  Life is really too short to live someone else's dream, to try to walk their walk…crap…who really knows what goes on behind the closed doors of anyone’s walk.  I mean really…the only walk that is known for sure…is mine and yours…right?  I am not going to waste my swagger trying to be someone else, or constantly compare and think I do not match up…heck would never  feel  ACCOMPLISHED if this were the case.   Instead, I will focus my energy on the things I know that I have control over in my life, work on my goals of having a balanced healthy life, and strive for my own feeling of accomplishment. 

Sometimes it takes years to understand this…believe me…I have had to walk a journey of life learning just like you.  Today as my laundry lies in piles around me, my ARC trainer calls my name for a ride and as I juggle my domestic engineering chores and prepare for my upcoming week…I WILL FEEL ACCOMPLISHED.  Feeling accomplished does not have to be some news making event, or something off the charts WOW…it is the small every day things that are done on a daily basis that give me that feeling of accomplishment…my workout, a call to a friend, time with God, laundry, cleaning the house,  creating a new recipe, eating clean for the day, got my water intake in for the day…you see…anything goes…it is the things that are done day in and day out on a consistent basis that bring accomplishment and create this life that I call HEALTHY! 


My Workout Today with Modifications(NO pushups or dips for Me)    

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Celebrating 48!!!!
MAN have I noticed a few things over this past year and as I near 50…front and center …I NEED MY RECOVERY TIME…and I better listen to what my body is telling me or … low energy, burn out, unmotivated…and all the things that fatigue can bring me…YUCK.  YES, I have taken care of myself and try to be the BEST me every day…does that mean over-the-top grueling workouts…OH NO…no more for this girl.  I do not need to be that intense athlete of my teens, 20-30s anymore…and I really do not want to.  It is has developed muscle for me which is YAHOO good, but also some wear and tear…not so good.

I create programs that are intense but do not push beyond my limits…nope…not for this fitness girl.  I mean…Why? ...What is the purpose…the point…really…do I need to lift enormous amounts of weight to put extreme pressure on my spine, joints, tissues, and grunt until I pop a hemorrhoid…YIKES… do I need to prove something to someone…NO, NO and NO.  It is not my goal to further injure myself, or put myself at risk of re-injury.  My goal is to take care of my body, nourish it with healthy foods, and REST when my body says…for goodness sakes Darla…lay the hell down already. 

I must admit, sometimes, I do not listen to this voice and I pay the price.  I will attempt a workout and my body just says…NOT HAPPENING GIRL!  Ughhh…then I think about the demands I have placed on it over the past few days, coupled with a few days of not getting enough sleep and I clearly understand what my body needs.  The point is, I can no longer ignore and push through these moments…I NEED to listen.

I understand that my physiological self is much younger than my age due to my healthy lifestyle, but what is fact… Darla on the cellular level is indeed 48…I am having all the hormonal and cellular changes that go with being 48...this part can suck…can’t change it…it is a fact.  I also realize that I do not have to work out every single day, but NEED those recovery days here and there to ensure my body is able to respond and build in a healthy way.  So am I saying that growing older is not a good thing…NO…it is a great honor, gift, and privilege every single moment of every day.  What I am saying is that I need to modify how I treat my body and allow for more TLC during this fabulous stage of my life…it is a transition of my body which is a part of my life’s journey. 

I will be human and say…YUCK…sometimes, especially on the hormonal changes…and I can go on and on about this one.  I will also say that WOW…what kind of brick hit this house today…meaning my body definitely will scream for a day off.  This is sometimes hard to accept… I will be truthful, but on the other hand, if I do not listen…I will feel like dog doo…so life is truly a balance of recovery, fitness, nutrition, spiritual being…and more RECOVERY.  What works for me at this stage is paying close attention on my intake, and not working so hard on the output…I have fabulous workouts don’t get me wrong, but I am not in there trying to burn off calories of OMG…what did I do yesterday with my food intake.  I cater my workouts on the energy level of that day… if I feel like a HIIT workout I do that, cardio and core on a Darla feels slow day…I do that, or back to the basics weight circuit that is controlled and methodical achieving a good burn on a day that says to take it easy with the plyometrics…that gets done. 

So, I do not believe in abusing my body through a workout…never again…maybe a part of my past…but definitely not in my present or future.  And although it has been difficult to accept that I need more recovery, I also have embraced that I NEED more recovery…my thinking about it has changed in a positive way…I do not have a guilt trip because I am not hitting the gym when my body says rest, and knowing that the rest is rebuilding ME to be my BEST recovered me…FABULOUS! The absolute best part…I feel so much stronger when I do my next workout and love coming back feeling better and stronger.  When I look at RECOVERY like that, it is the healthiest gift I can give myself…so today…I RECOVER!  




Definitely on STRONG Darla day with modification

Check out this fabulous In Your Face MOTIVATION to eat healthy!

I dedicate this Blog to my fabulous daughter Hope who celebrates her 21st Birthday tomorrow!!! Happy Birthday and I am so very proud of you Babe! xoxo Mom

Mom and Daughter LOVE


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and look forward to responding!
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Friday, June 8, 2012


OK...what is on my mind...MY PIGS...Oh My YES...I am talking about my feet and the need for comfortable high heels, wedges, etc...I am on the hunt to no longer wear heels that kill my precious pigs.  I rarely wear them, but when I do, I want the experience to not be a horror foot story where my husband has to carry me back to the car by piggy back ...I mean really????  YUCK...what in the heck.  YES...I am still talking about my health...foot care is so important...I want to take care of what I use everyday...I realize how important my feet are when it comes to supporting my structure, and do not want pain, callouses or growths of any kind to suddenly appear on my PIGS because I was lax in taking care of ME.  So, what I have read so far...skimp on a shirt, but never on the shoes...that would include my fitness shoes...Asics being my Fav fitness shoe...but back to the search of heels or wedges that are not only sexy...but I can walk as if I am on a cloud, without my PIGS being squished into contortion and OMG...take these damn things off already, would rather walk bare foot, or ride bareback on a horse to get back to my car.  Moving on to cost...WOW OH about expensive...anxiety savings for my PIGS...this frugal, coupon clipping, deal of a girl has to calm down here and realize that I am worth the cost of a few marvelous shoes that will be so beneficial to how my PIGS feel and ultimately, how I will feel during an episode of wearing them for several hours.  So...what am I doing this early Frisky Friday morning before clients...researching the BEST sexy shoes and COMFORT will be KEY for my PIGS. I would love YOUR input on heels, wedges, etc...I love personal feedback experience from great shoe finds. Kind of random...but hey...this is ME!  Have a fabulous Frisky Friday!

Friday In Your Face MOTIVATIONS

Consistent Exercise IS key to a Fit Stay Healthy Life


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  Let me know if you LIKE this entry, I look forward to reading your comments, and I am always in the mood for a Protein Shake;)
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Am All About the Cookies and IN YOUR FACE MOTIVATION

I See Potential Here!!!!
WHAT??? between clients I have dashed into my kitchen and throwing this and that together to create some sort of healthy treat in the shape of a cookie.  Because I use nutrient dense ingredients like ground oats, flax meal, whole wheat flour, and nuts, my cookies are typically not smooth, not greasy, and have a nice bite to them....I mean there is a substance...not some airy zero nutritional value crap that are found in stores everywhere...oops...YES...I said that.  I would not touch a processed item with a ten foot or even one foot pole.  WHY OH WHY would I waste any calories on that...I simply don't.  Besides, when it comes to any splurges, the calories have to be quality.  Yes...I love home baked cookies and if I make them in such a way that scratches that itch, then I am an over-the-top happy girl.  Today I made my favorite Stay Healthy Oatmeal Date cookies with a few modifications...I reduced the coconut oil to 1/2 cup, and added 1/2 cup organic unsweetened applesauce, reduced the whole wheat flour to 1/2 cup and added 1/2 cup vanilla whey protein powder, and 1/4 cup Stevia in the Raw instead of organic Blue Agave...FABULOUS!!!  Fresh out of the oven and into my face...POWER UP meal is what I say. I sit and eat the whole pan of cookies...NO...tempting to eat 2 or 3...YES, or course...I am human.  It is enjoyment of the savor of one coupled with the discipline of knowing that regardless of my baking being great for me...calories are calories.  I do have to say that I am all about the I enjoyed 2 warm out of the oven for my meal four and I am looking forward to meal 1 with my cup of Joe this morning;) Stay Healthy!

Stay Healthy Oatmeal Date Protein Cookie...YUM!

Newly Added...Stay Healthy Protein Banana Bread!

If you are looking for a couple of simple recipes to start out with, try the cookies and bread....your kids will LOVE them too!  These are regulars in my house and I have them on hand instead of wasting tons of $$$$ on protein bars with ingredients that should not be in our bodies in the first place...saving $$$ and eating fabulous nutrients...I AM ALL ABOUT THE COOKIES!

You know me as the "In Your Face MOTIVATION" provider on FB and now bringing that flavor here.  Starting out today with this fabulous find...Actions speak louder than words is GREAT to be MOTIVATED by what I offer, but if YOU do not put that MOTIVATION into YOUR OWN ACTION...what good is that?  Agreed....


Start Reading the INGREDIENTS...not just the Breakdown!


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  Let me know if you LIKE this entry, I look forward to reading your comments, and I am always in the mood for a Protein Shake;)
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Monday, June 4, 2012

What I Can with What I Have Today

TIRED...that explains me today.  Hubby and I had a weekend adventure and needless to say, I did not get home in time to get ample sleep...YIKES...that feeling of fog head meets some sort of workout in between my fabulous Monday clients...I MADE IT HAPPEN.  YES...I brought to my game "what I could with what I have."  Did I do a HIIT workout...Are you kidding me???  OH hell to the big NO WAY.  First, I am a morning workout girl...NOT TODAY.  I needed my Oats, I needed my coffee, I needed a mental  To top that off...the day is whirling by like the clock on Alice in Wonderland...I mean...SLOW DOWN already!  Getting back to what I can with what I had...30 minute ARC trainer ride listening to my upbeat music and really not trying to beat any records as the time counted down...YES...I focused more than usual on "am I DONE yet???"  Come on now...we all have these days...OK...getting back, I continued with 30 minutes of slow, methodical weight training focusing on back/chest/core and legs...WHEW...again, no rush...just thinking about my muscle as I was going through the motion and ensuring that the contractions were QUALITY!!!  I have this saying...NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS FAST...(in the gym anyway)  Have to have a sense of humor you know. we go, as promised, more time on My Blog and I am off to finish my day but wanted to leave you with some.......


Believe this!!!

A Healthy Lifestyle takes Action

Faith, Persistence, and Patience

Right or Left?


Personal Share:  Congratulations to my Fabulous Stepson, Jacob for graduating High school and soon to be leaving for Air Force Boot camp...Love You Honey!!!

Congrats Jacob, Love You...Proud Parents! 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  Let me know if you LIKE this entry, I look forward to reading your comments, and I am always in the mood for a Protein Shake;)
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy ~ Darla

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It has to be GOOD ENOUGH

In this world of extreme perfection and nothing being good enough, I say it has to be good enough…I will go farther than that and say IT IS GOOD ENOUGH…I mean really…YUCK…otherwise I would be such a miserable person always searching for something to fill some void I think I am missing.  You know what…I AM good enough.  I can recall a time in my life where I did struggle with the whole “not good enough” thing, always trying to please someone and giving so much consideration into what others thought of me…OMG…what a horrible way to be and so anxiety producing…just thinking back about it…I now laugh and am so thankful for being older, wiser, and so much better.  I guess it had to be a part of my journey of learning and maturing into the healthy woman I am today. 

Perfection and pleasing are tossed to the side, and just being the BEST version of ME each day is my goal.  I am not saying that I do not enjoy pleasing people with my cooking or something fabulous like that…I am talking about the warped thinking of “why did they not approve of this or that about me, or not like how I did something”…there is truly a difference.  Why did I even care???  WOW…talk about unhealthy thinking of the past.  What the heck does this have to do with maintaining my now 48 year young physique…I SAY EVERYTHING. 

It is my state of positive thinking and ACCEPTANCE of Darla, with all my imperfections and physical limitations that motivate me each day.  It is that “feel good” feeling that completely coats my spirit and provides an “AH HA” moment each day for me…I mean it can make me feel like a kid, not take things so serious, and free me to be ME…IT IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!!  It is that whole not sweating the small stuff in life anymore and letting go of things I can’t control… YAHOOO …. YES…this is healthy, I feel healthy, I love how I take care of ME and I accept that about ME,  and it feels better than good.   I will go farther than good and say that it feels pretty darn GREAT! 

Starting the Weekend with this In Your Face Motivation!

Personal Goal:  OK everyone…I want to blog more and I am praying for more time to do this.  My goal is to MOTIVATE through my writing at least one time per week.  I have been utilizing my Stay Healthy Facebook because of its’ quick and easy download of this or that in seconds and I still plan to maintain that as long as FB does not continue to try and regulate business pages.  My passion and “want” is to channel the same feel of what I like to call “In Your Face” MOTIVATION posters here, along with helpful links, recipes, and exercise ideas.  I like that the Blog is individual and very personal…this is more down to earth and ME to MOTIVATE you.  So, even if I write a brief paragraph about my thoughts for the day or week, I am on board for that…how about you?

Stay Healthy Quinoa Chicken with Fresh Basil

Looking for an In Your Face MOTIVATION to move IDEA…I LOVE HIIT Workouts!
(My modifications...negative pullups for the pushups to protect my neck)
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  Let me know if you LIKE this entry, I look forward to reading your comments, and I am always in the mood for a Protein Shake;)

Have a Fabulous Weekend!

Stay Healthy!