Friday, October 19, 2012

Feeling Fabulous Friday

Today feels like an especially fabulous Friday and I wanted to share that with you.  I have been so blessed with busyness that making videos has taken a backseat…but…drum roll…I finished work early today and busted my backside to put a workout and In Your Face MOTIVATION video together…with a little flub in the beginning…but oh well…let’s see if you catch it.  Today is all about feeling fabulous and really appreciating the life that I have.   Truly, it is all about being happy right where I am…not wanting for more or wishing I had this or that materially…because that is not the meaningful stuff in my journey called life. 

Think about feeling fabulous, feeling healthy, feeling happy….I strive for that every day, every moment.  Is it realistic that I will have this all the time…well of course not…but I choose to be positive, surround myself with people who grow me in positive ways, and lean on my faith in God.  Life is really too short not to strive for QUALITY in everything that I do, think and feel.  Quality workouts, food, relationships, time…and my list can go on and on…do you get my picture?  In fact, I believe in quality over quantity…am I going to pound out 20 biceps curls in poor form…well…NO…but slow, controlled QUALITY movement…now that is what I am talking about.  I often say that “Nothing Good Happens Fast” and it is so true for many things in life.  Successful weight loss, lean mass gain, healing through injury, recovery from childbirth are all examples of things that take time.  I will be writing more about that in another Blog post.

Getting back to this moment and feeling great on this Friday…I have been able to do so much that has made me feel accomplished… working with my fabulous clients, getting some domestic engineering done and making a video for you…Woo Hoo…I FEEL GOOD!  I am only one, but I WILL DO whatever I can to help as many as I can to adapt a healthy lifestyle, and I do have a plan for this Blog which I have explained on my DONATION page.  I am patient however, and when the time is right and ready, it will happen…that is called FAITH and believe me…I am full of that.  I wish YOU the best of health on this beautiful Friday, and thanks for all your support, feedback, and sharing of your success stories…YEAH!  





For a Limited Time Only, enjoy my Stay Healthy Nutrition Guide as a Free Gift to YOU with a $10 donation to support Stay Healthy Fitness, YOU, your health and happiness. Thank you all for the many MOTIVATIONAL comments, notes of appreciation, and emails sent to me through all my online mediums.  I read and respond to each and every one and hearing that I have helped YOU is YOUR gift to me.  Many Blessings to YOU and Stay Healthy! 



Historic Spot in Nevada with my Hubby
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!



Monday, October 8, 2012



I sit here as a mother who has  just watched her oldest son get married and I am in awe of where I am in life…not in an unhealthy way, but just in a WOW way.   I see the cycle of life being repeated in my children, every single one of them, and sometimes I am filled with disbelief of how fast the time has gone, the ages of my children, and the lives they now live, and finally… where I am…WOW!  I can still remember when my parents were my age and going through what I just experienced…can you relate? 

In a couple of years I will be 50 years young and wiser for the journey, but holy moly, I blinked my eyes and time traveled to “now” in an instant…so it seems.  I try to explain this phenomenon to my kids and they are not getting it just yet…but they soon will as their lives are becoming filled with the responsibility of adult life…marriage, work, college, financial obligations, etc.  This is a time of reflection for me as my very emotional “Mom Moment” took place watching my son get married…I hung on every word that was said, visually photographed their faces, every look, laugh, tear in that moment and sat there so full of being overwhelmed with gut wrenching feelings…happiness, sadness, joy, pride…everything all wrapped into one emotional package that required lots of tissue to the rescue. 


Each moment seems like it will last forever, but I am here to tell you…NOT…and I am sure many of you share in this feeling and knowledge.  I am now in a different stage of “Mom” and although I absolutely love where I am…it can feel weird.  I can still remember when my kids were small as if it were yesterday, and when they walk through the door now, I am looking at beautiful people capable of self sufficiency, intellectual conversation, and I am thankful that much of taking care of myself through fitness and nutrition  has rubbed off on them…and I think…WOW…that fabulous person came out of me…not to be gross or anything by saying that…but I am blown away by the adult who is also my child…I hope that makes sense.  The time I spend with them is much different, still full of love and hugs, but very much “adult” in our sharing.  
WOW... My Adult Kids
In my journey of Momhood I have transitioned through many phases, learned so much, loved so dearly, and pained through moments of difficult times.  I would have to say that being a mother has been one of the biggest successes of my life and probably one of the most important roles I have played and still play.  Marrying my best friend and husband, Don…I have gained 2 more adult children and with both our sons now married, I have 2 beautiful daughter-in-laws, in addition to our first grandchild last year.  Needless to say, I am one proud MAMA and Nana.


What does my “Mom Moment” have to do with maintaining healthy ME…I say it speaks volumes of who I am as a healthy person, a woman who places value and priority where it should be, and always does her best to live as a healthy example to all of my children…even if I get called “Dr. Phil” or something funny like that when I put on the therapist hat.  Balance is important to living a healthy life, and taking care of myself through living a healthy life along my Mom journey has made a difference in the lives of my children who now implement healthy lifestyles for themselves.  It has been such an honor and privilege to watch my children grow into beautiful adults and my Momhood journey still continues as I now add the phase of grandmother…and you know…I feel pretty blessed to be able to feel like a kid, play like a kid, and enjoy every moment in this life looking forward to the next great event that will send me needing a box of tissue… I AM READY!

I dedicate this Blog to my Beautiful son, Eli and new bride Hayley.  I look forward to being a part of your lives as husband and wife, and continuing my journey as Mom to you both.  Here is to YOU, your marriage and may God bless you as you begin your journey together.  Love you~



For a Limited Time Only, enjoy my Stay Healthy Nutrition Guide as a Free Gift to YOU with a $10 donation to support Stay Healthy Fitness, YOU, your health and happiness. Thank you all for the many MOTIVATIONAL comments, notes of appreciation, and emails sent to me through all my online mediums.  I read and respond to each and every one and hearing that I have helped YOU is YOUR gift to me.  Many Blessings to YOU and Stay Healthy! 


Me and My Fabulous Mom
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!