Tuesday, February 24, 2015


It is our time to get up to bat and before we are on the plate, we have mentally struck out and kick at the dirt in frustration for not hitting that ball as far as it could soar.  And so it goes with our life and the successes we could be enjoying if only the negative movie reel in our mind would sit down and shut up.  We get in our own way when it comes to reaching our fitness goals because we are too busy coming up with reasons why we are unable to make it happen.  Whether it stems from fear, frustration, laziness, depressed feelings or procrastination, our mind plays the biggest role in our ability to reach and maintain the fitness goals we desire.   

There is no easy way to achieve success without hard work and lots of sweat, and we all need to put in the effort to get where we want in life.  My Dad always told me, “it is a tough world out there”, and we do not need to make it harder on ourselves by playing negative mind games that keep us from creating a quality healthy lifestyle.  There is no perfect time or place to start taking care of our bodies and our minds.  The time is now and “negative Nancy or Ned” will need to take a back seat so that we can be successful with our attempt to reach our fitness goals.  There will be frustration along the way and that is part of life and the journey to get healthy.  Exercise will be hard and eating healthy will not always be one hundred percent, and that is called being human.  What matters is maintaining that positive mental focus and drive to reach your goals and not allowing thoughts talk you out of doing what needs to be done.  There is no amount of work, social life, family drama, laziness or whatever you allow to consume you that is more important than your health.  Once this is realized, it will be easier to stay on track with consistent exercise and eating healthy because the excuses will no longer be an issue.  You will finally be out of your own way and onto a new healthy you.  Time to hit the ball out of the park and Stay Healthy!

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Stay Healthy!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I am not talking about pain that does not feel right when performing an exercise but what I am referring to is the emotional and mental pain that will enter each of our lives through differing circumstances.  Whether we are suffering crisis from a family member being ill, a death, divorce, or financial strain due to a job loss, these types of stressful situations can cause us to not take care of ourselves as we place health and fitness on the back burner.  We get so wrapped up in the pain of the event with our minds consumed, our emotional banks drained, and the energy to even put one foot in front of the other feeling like an impossible task. The burden feels heavy and the world can seem bigger than we are.  It will be in these moments where taking care of ourselves through exercise and eating right is even more important, and often times pushing through the pain even when we do not want to will be what keeps us healthy emotionally and physically.

It will not be easy and I share this personally as I am currently struggling with my father being gravely ill and rapid decline in health.  During sleepless days and nights of course I focus more on my nutrition and get in my exercise when I can, but do seek out exercise as being therapeutic and stress relieving. Studies have shown that exercise is directly linked to decreased depression and stress, which is why it is so important not to neglect this very important part of our life.  Our bodies are made to move and doing that helps prevent a spiral down into dark mental places.  All of us will experience pain in our life and that is unfortunately a part of this journey, and it will always be how we respond to the circumstances that will keep us healthy.  Journaling is another great way to feel comfort through painful situations, and if necessary a great counselor, and I am all for talking to God and prayer. The Blog is an outlet of expression for me and sharing my feelings with you also provides healing and hopefully a comfort for others going through a painful life episode. 

Life will not play fair that is a fact and we need to prepare ourselves by being healthy and happy to begin with.  Being fit helps us to cope better during emotional stress. Today is always the day to take the steps necessary to become your best YOU in all aspects.  Life is short, a gift, and taking it for granted is not only a shame, but will lead to a life of illness and unhappiness.  When the painful things in this life come knocking on your door, will you be ready physically, emotionally and spiritually?  Will you have the strength to push through the pain?

I dedicate this Blog to my wonderful father who is a fighter, and my beautiful mother who stands strongly by his side and for 55 years.  Thank you for blessing me with life, faith and love.

My Beautiful Parents

Me and My Fabulous Father
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015


The truth about health and fitness is that we either want it or we don’t.  Let’s face it, we can all come up with reasons not to exercise today or pack our coolers with healthy food to have on hand.  All the reasons in the world are excuses that will eventually catch up to us in the form of illness or injury.  That also is the truth.  What we need to understand is that our lifestyle is our medicine, and that includes what we eat and how we move and rest our bodies.   We can’t continue to walk around in a state of un-health and believe that this is an acceptable existence.  Looking and feeling our best is what we all want, dream about, and talk about, but the action to make it happen never seems to occur.  Look at what is flooding our magazines, commercials, and television shows when it comes to getting healthy.  We need to be living the reality shows of achieving our best body not sitting in front of the tube with our chips watching other people taking action to get healthy. 

Reasons will not change how we look or feel and in fact will only make us feel and look worse if continued as a lifestyle.  Our first step to change this reality of reasons, is to own that we are doing that.  If you are coming up with reasons to stop by the fast food or restaurant, skip out on the workout, and party hardy until the break of dawn, it is time to stand in your own truth and ask why.  Looking at the truth can sometimes piss us off, cause us to throw our hands up with a profound “f” word salute, and that is normal.  It will be in that frustrated moment of anger or other emotion that will open the mind to what in the hell am I doing with my life and body.  It will be that slap in the face that will cause us to get serious about a healthy lifestyle becoming our medicine. 

The only person responsible for replacing reasons with action is you and me.  It is time to rearrange the priorities in our lives because no person is too busy to take care of their health.  Everyone can have their fittest body at any age and I will take on any backlash for making this statement.  A healthy fit body is obtainable and realistic for all of us and should be the goal while we are living this life.  Dependence on prescribed drugs to pseudo fix health issues is way out of hand, and although certain medications are needed for a small percentage of medical issues, I am addressing the general populous that continue to accommodate their “reasons” and unhealthy way of life.  Living a healthy lifestyle is not a half in and half out scenario either because occasional effort equals occasional results.  We want so much to change but are not willing to give the effort and this is the bottom line.  Results can and will happen, but the choice is up to you.

I dedicate this Blog to my husband, friend, love and support in my life.  
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe and I Love You Forever and a Day

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Stay Healthy!



Thursday, February 5, 2015


No one starts at the top and sometimes you can get to the top of your fitness game, and injuries or other issues occur that send you right back to the beginning step.  I speak from experience when it comes to being knocked down from an injury and although the setback was difficult, I never gave up.  When it comes to our exercise programs, we can put so much pressure on ourselves to do too much too soon, and with that come discouragement and frustration.  When we approach our fitness and nutrition programs with a progressive attitude, it is a more realistic way of adopting a healthy lifestyle.  Progressive simply means starting where you are, accepting where you are, doing what you can, mastering what you are able to do, and then moving forward to the next level of whatever type of exercise program you have enlisted yourself.  It also means forgetting any comparisons to others because they are not you, and your program is your program.  The comparison game can cause us to get off track with our progressive program and being on alert to squelch our inner competitive nature will be important, especially when we are “newbies” to fitness. 

Progression is what will get us to the next level of fitness without injury and with a healthy body and mind.  For example, you want to master a pull-up and for the very first time you try to lift yourself on the bar, you are stuck.  The pull-up is one of the hardest body weight exercises to perform and to believe your first time out you will be able to accomplish one is unrealistic.  Those who can do one or more pull-ups have been doing this exercise for years and have built the strength in their back muscle to the point of being able to perform the exercise.  A great way to start the journey of being able to perform a pull-up is to modify the movement using a leg spot, bench spot, a Gravitron, TRX straps, or having a spotter help lift a portion of your bodyweight as you pull up.  As you are consistent in your modification of the pull-up exercise over time, you will be able to “progress” to performing the exercise without assistance.  Another great example is long distance running.  I for one would not be able to bust out a marathon like I have been doing it for years without proper training and starting from the beginning.  It truly is all about persistence, patience and progress. 

Progression can also be applied to implementing healthy foods into our nutrition.  Begin slowly by eliminating one thing like soda, and replacing it with more water intake or herbal tea.  Over time and as unhealthy foods are eliminated and replaced with healthy food choices, you will be able to progress to a 80% to 20% clean eating program without feeling deprived.  Life is already hard enough without making a healthy lifestyle feel like a burden with unrealistic expectations.  Applying the “progression principle” to our workouts and daily food intake creates a positive outlook mentally and physically.  We all like to feel accomplished with our programs and to celebrate every moment we take steps that lead us closer to our goals.  The good news is that progression is what will get you there.

Stay Healthy ~ Darla 
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